cinematographic: practical magic watch party

Practical Magic Blog Party

This year is the perfect opportunity for me to do a collage post for the Practical Magic Blog Party, as, for the first time in quite a while, the beautiful late 90s fashions featured in that movie have come back in style. Well, at least in part. The soft, feminine trends of flowing skirts, florals, crochet wear and lace have surely returned (along with a few of those Buffy-era dark jewel tones I've been missing), but unfortunately anything I've seen that mimics the shapes and patterns of the time has turned out nowhere near as flattering as its predecessors. On the plus side, the makeup this season is going to be so stunningly 90s. I cannot wait to bust out the dark lipsticks.

Wish I could have done a group outfit shoot for this party (I did grow up with a redheaded Gilly and a young Frances, after all), but alas, it's been an incredibly busy couple of weeks.

Fashion aside, Practical Magic is one of those films that really makes a girl want to play pretend. Or at least that's what it did for several of the women in my family. (What can I say, sometimes it's nice to vicariously experience a universe where being female is seen as something special, rather than something to be overcome.) 

It is not what I'd call a particularly blockbuster story, nor one that hinges its whole existence on any overblown sense of drama. This is to the film's credit. For me it's the quiet things that make Practical Magic worth watching over and over again: the family moments, the day-to-day workings of the house, the townie gossip, the characters' solitary struggles, and the wonderfully spare use of magic to illustrate a woman's small-time life.

That's the broken noose swinging in the background, there. Looks great in motion, but makes for terrible screencaps!
I know it's just a shell set, but this? My dream house.
I love how all of the women have such distinctive personal styles. Frances has the best in the whole movie, hands down.
I also love how Sally is allowed to wear normal schlubby clothing, as opposed to so many movies now where everyone, even little kids, looks like they stepped out of a magazine.
Fierce, even in pajamas.
Couldn't get a good shot of these outfits, but I'd kill to have those top styles come back into vogue again.
This inspired us to build a pergola for grapevines in our backyard. Unfortunately, no one but me and Laura wanted to paint it white!
Lovely color scheme in this scene.
Someone needs to build me this kitchen, like now. 
Not my usual type, but Sally, I totally get you.
These glasses, lmao. I may or may not have a similar pair.
This was an excellent, ageless special effect. Looked seamless and creepily subtle.
Gorgeous example of the kind of dress I wish would come back.

Get on over to the Practical Magic Blog Party and check out the other bloggers' posts!

Anonymous –   – (September 24, 2011 at 12:05 AM)  

This was just a great post with a lot of AMAZiNG pics in fantastic quality! MOST of these pics I saw only in the movie, not on the web. LOVE it!


Betty  – (September 24, 2011 at 4:00 AM)  

I have enjoyed your blog party and you have a wonderful blog here.

Wizardess  – (September 24, 2011 at 10:06 AM)  

Love the collage. I def agree on the outfits...especially Aunt Frances's. However, remember those jean shorts? Always good for a chuckle.

Magaly Guerrero  – (September 24, 2011 at 12:41 PM)  

Thanks for taking me down memory land. Your picture selection helped me watch the movie over and over in just a couple of minutes; how grand is that?

Linda  – (September 24, 2011 at 2:24 PM)  

It is always fun looking back at the still photos after you've seen the movie. it makes you remember more. You did a great job. Thank you for sharing. Please visit my party:

LuLu Kellogg  – (September 24, 2011 at 2:33 PM)  

Such a lovely collage!

Thank you for sharing your post with all of us to celebrate the magic of Practical Magic! Lovely to visit with you!

LuLu Kellogg

Carousel Dreams  – (September 24, 2011 at 3:58 PM)  

This was fun! I love fashion too, but have never been one to follow trends...I would totally wear that floral dress that Sally is wearing - gorgeous, and so feminine. Thanks for having me, I really enjoyed your practical magic post x

Anonymous –   – (September 24, 2011 at 4:02 PM)  

Stocking Channing is a gorgeous woman -- and the fashion makes her even more gorgeous.

Lisa  – (September 24, 2011 at 4:58 PM)  

I quite agree with your fashion statements. Thank you for the wonderful photos. Hope you can stop by my enchanted oven for PM cookies.

Celia  – (September 24, 2011 at 6:11 PM)  

A fantastic party post! I love the fashion in the movie too....especially the Aunts....eccentric...but fantastic!!

Susan  – (September 24, 2011 at 7:43 PM)  

I love that dress at the end and I love the clothes the Aunts are wearing when they arrive back to see there is trouble, and i love the white with green dress sally is wearing in the shop!

Karen  – (September 25, 2011 at 1:58 AM)  

Like me, you are seeing far more than just the surface things in PM. I feel like stepping into every scene and looking at & handling all their every day items..
And the fashions... Sigh- They need to be brought back !!

Jane K  – (September 25, 2011 at 3:54 AM)  

Loved your post and it's focus on the fashion, I love the style of the aunts, sadly lack the courage to dress like that in my small town, LOL enough people here already think I'm not quite normal now, but then who wants to be normal ;)

J x

Anonymous –   – (September 25, 2011 at 4:52 AM)  

Thank you so much for the lovely party. I had almost forgotten about the fashion in the movie. I loved the long flowing skirts in the 90's, eventhough I wasn't following fashion a lot, being a young mom and all ; )
Than k you very much. I had a wonderful visit.
Have a magical day.

Edith Schmidt  – (September 25, 2011 at 7:29 AM)  

Thanks you so much for the lovely party. I have enjoyed your blog so much thanks have a magical weekend

Unknown  – (September 25, 2011 at 1:07 PM)  

Out of all the posts I've seen with movie images your is the first that makes me really want to go watch the movie. What a great collection of images and I love your short statements about them!

Fantastic PM party post!

Birgit  – (September 25, 2011 at 3:23 PM)  

Perfect screenshots -- and I love the outfit you put together in the collage. You have such a sense of style and fashion. :)

Magical Times,

Michelle  – (September 25, 2011 at 4:55 PM)  

What a wonderful party post! Great photos from the movie as well. Thanks for sharing.

LyddieGal  – (September 25, 2011 at 7:43 PM)  

Definitely one of my favorite movies!! I used to watch it constantly when I was younger.

Chic on the Cheap

The Cat Hag  – (September 26, 2011 at 4:33 AM)  

That floral maxi skirt is so sweet and Sandra Bullock is one of my favourite actresses! :)

The Cat Hag
Join My Giveaway

Rachel  – (September 26, 2011 at 8:08 AM)  

Great post. I loved your collage and you've got me longing for 90s fashion again.

Had to smile at you mentioning the Buffy era jewel tones, have to admit that as a teenager growing up watching Buffy, I had a lot of outfits based around ones from the show. :-)

KG  – (September 28, 2011 at 9:21 AM)  

What a great post! Loved all the photos you used in your collage. Thank you for swinging by my PM party post and for you lovely comment.

K. Michele

Melissa  – (September 28, 2011 at 12:35 PM)  

What fun looking at those screen shots!!

♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings

Petunia  – (September 28, 2011 at 4:39 PM)  

I love your fashion inspired focus on the film and your commentary as I scrolled through the images. I was so in love with the look of this movie that I pretty much tried to recreate the wardrobe and the house interior for years. The color palatte in the shot with Sally and her shop is still one of my favorites. Thank you so much for creating a wonderful tribute to PM and for sharing with everyone :)


Richelle Nicole  – (October 1, 2011 at 8:06 PM)  

A lovely post!! I wish they would bring that style of dress back too! So many great outfits in this movie. I'm in love with everything from the house to the Aunts hats! Most excellent PM post! Fly by and visit mine if you get the time. ;) Have a magical day!

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