fill in the blank friday
After a long night of working on my (rush job) Halloween costume and feeling too tired to do anything but browse the internet, I decided to link up with The Little Things We Do for this week's autumn-themed Fill in the Blank Friday.
1. Nothing says fall like the faint hint of smoke in the cold air from freshly-lit fireplaces.
2. My favorite autumnal tradition is picking apples with my family and then watching my dad, despite having made apple crisp hundreds of times by now, screw up the recipe again .
3. My favorite fall treat is apple crisp, although these days I have to have the lesser cinnamon-free version due to intolerance. Serious downgrade.
4. Fall makes me think of home because it's the one season I can't imagine experiencing anywhere else.
5. Autumn free form word association, go! yellow damp silver spice whoosh (oh shush).
6. My go-to outfit in the fall is leggings, a dress with half-sleeves, and a light jacket.
7. My favorite fall holiday is (Halloween or Thanksgiving) If you've been following my posts at all, Halloween is the obvious answer. Better food, better clothes, better parties, and no cranky family members getting mad because you dared to change the mashed potatoes recipe this year!
What do you all like best about this season?